Elisa Haubert

Designer with a heart of code.
Skills: HTML, CSS, JS, P5, Processing, UX/UI, Design

A few words about you, who are you?

I studied industrial design and interaction design and have been a freelancer since the beginning of 2018. I actually accept all projects that I find exciting and where I think I can grow on. My area of expertise covers everything from graphic design, illustration and animation to web design, user experience and interaction design. However, I also try to give my work a social / ethical / societal benefit and like to work on projects that are oriented towards this.

When and how did you get interested in coding?

Already at school I found the computer science lessons exciting, where we partly worked in visual programming interfaces (e.g. Kara). In our bachelor studies we were laughed at for still learning to design in Adobe Flash, but I found the possibility fascinating, that you can animate by programming. In the master’s programme we were introduced to Processing in order to design interactive exhibits. Our programming was combined with electrical engineering and an Arduino, and we were able to build wonderful user interfaces that had nothing to do with the usual screen as an interface. Suddenly I felt so free in the design of interactions and knew: “I want to go on doing that”.

What do you like about coding most?

It’s a completely different way of expressing yourself. Since I come from the designers corner, I love being able to put into action what I design myself. But I’ve also been stunned by the creative possibilities offered by environments like P5 and Processing right from the start. It’s always a bit uncertain what comes out after a few lines of code. That’s exciting. You suddenly speak the language of the computer and give it instructions. If they’re not precise or even wrong, the computer of course doesn’t do what you want it to do. But I love detective work and troubleshooting. Or the not at all planned, but beautiful results.

Is there a project you’re particularly proud of?

Being self-employed is a real challenge at first. The fact that I’ve now reached the point where I can choose clients and projects because I find them exciting makes me really proud.

Do you have role models?

I find the story of Hedy Lamarr insanely inspiring. At first she’s reduced only to her sex appeal, but she is an absolute mastermind and then pulls the foundation stone for today’s WiFi & Bluetooth technology out of a hat.

Which stereotype of a programmer can you prove wrong?

That programmers have no idea of design. ;-)

Can you recommend a book / podcast / tutorial / film or event?

“Creative Coding im Web – Generative Gestaltung” gives a great insight into the world of generative design with p5. Jane McGonigal’s “Reality is Broken” is a relaxing read on user interfaces and motivation.