Lisa Quatmann

Skills: Python, Django, JavaScript, React, Java, CSS, HTML, Documentation
Meet me at: Django Girls, PyLadies, Papers We Love, ReactJS Girls.

A few words about you, who are you?

I am a Software Engineer from Chicago, USA. I relocated to Berlin from New York City in 2014.

I am an organiser and coach for Django Girls.

When and how did you get interested in coding?

I learned Pascal in school. I loved it. Since then I wanted to be a computer programmer.

What do you like about coding most?

I like building things. It’s satisfying to use an application or website and know that you made it.

What is currently your favourite project?

Django Girls, of course!

Is there a project you’re particularly proud of?

Yes, I was involved with the The CumEx Files investigation while I worked at Correctiv.

What do you like to try/learn/know?

I am studying engineering management and project management now.

What is your biggest challenge as a programmer?

Learning a new coding language or a new framework. It’s also very fun.

Which stereotype of a programmer can you prove wrong?

I am very social.

Can you recommend a book / podcast / tutorial / film or event?

The Django Girls Tutorial is good to get started in programming.

PyLadies Berlin also have many beginner workshops.